Pure Irish Linen is probably the most amazing fabric known to man – the fabric reveals a new surface when washed. Given a reasonable amount of care Irish Linen will render a lifetime of service.

It is the only fabric to be stronger wet than dry, so it does not become tender through washing.

Irish Linen can be safely washed with commercial soap powders and liquid detergents although bleach must not be used as misuse can significantly degrade and weaken the natural fibres. 

50 Degrees Celsius is generally sufficient for most …. There is no need to use starch as Irish Linen has built in crispness. Do not tumble dry as linen will naturally dry quickly.

Conventional machine wash and then hot iron after a fast spin while still damp.

You can iron Irish Linen at any of the normal temperatures – as long as it is not excessively hot. Always stretch the article to its natural size and shape before ironing.

By using a hot iron creases and crumples disappear instantly and every piece comes up so crisp and smooth it is often hard to tell whether you have used starch or not.

Always iron the wrong side first as this preserves the texture of the weave. 


Irish Linen is naturally mothproof safely stored under normal conditions.

Slatted shelves will allow air to circulate. Avoid cupboards with heating pipes running through them as this can discolour linen.

If by chance it does become discoloured, wash as soon as possible and dry in the sun to whiten it again. 

Most of all enjoy it!  Irish Linen will thrive on regular use and regular laundering. 

updated July 1, 2014